Dysfunctional care transitions jeopardize the quality of life of people living with major neurocognitive disorder (MNCD), commonly known as dementia, and their caregivers. Recognizing this problem within the health system, Phase 3 of the Quebec Alzheimer Plan aims to support better coordination of care between health professionals working on the front line with these users.
Actors in the movement towards a learning health system, the National Institute of Excellence in Health and Social Services (INESSS), the Chaudière-Appalaches Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS CA) and the team of Dr. Patrick Archambault undertook the adaptation of a continuous improvement program: the CoMPAS+ TNCM workshops. The CoMPAS+ approach aims, through reflective practice workshops, to determine improvement targets, courses of action and methods of their implementation, for the management of a chronic disease targeted in a given territory. Adapting this approach to improving care transitions for these users will consist of reflecting on good practices, identifying local issues for family medicine clinics in the CISSS CA territory, putting forward solutions and implementing them.
The CONSTELLATIONS Living Lab’s mandate is to evaluate the impact of the program on the quality of care transitions, its potential for scaling and its potential for sustainability. The results of this research will inform decision-makers and community stakeholders on the effectiveness of CoMPAS+ workshops for improving care transitions for people living with TNCM and caregivers.
The CONSTELLATION Living Lab trial is registered with, NCT06608589
Research Activities
Here is a short video (3m20s) of the very first workshop describing the project: CoMPAS+ TNCM
One of the first deliverables of the action plan at the GMF-U de Lévis: Map of services available at the GMF-U Lévis
“Mon journal de bord”, an innovation created for and by people living with memory problems and their caregivers
The version below from October 25, 2024 is currently in trial with patients and caregiver partners and at the GMF-U Lévis.
DOWNLOAD the PDF (in French only)

Students’ Projects in the Living Lab

Laetitia BERT, PhD candidate in Community Health
Scaling up and sustaining innovations focused on improving the transition of care for the elderly: a mixed sequential design study of two support tools for project leaders and two cases of innovative interventions in Chaudière-Appalaches (Quebec)
Additional Resources
Quebec 211 : Information on community, public and parapublic services
Publications and Knowledge Transfer
Germain N, Jémus-Gonzalez E, Couture V, Côté É, Morin M, Toulouse-Fournier A, Bert L, Giguère R, Sinha S, Sourial N, Chartier LB, Witteman HO, Légaré F, Samb R, Turcotte S, Chandavong S, Abrougui L, Robitaille J, Archambault PM. (2024). Caregivers’ burden of care during emergency department care transitions among older adults: a mixed methods cohort study. [Submitted March 8th, 2024]. Age and Ageing.
Présentation: Laetitia Bert (2024). Mettre à l’échelle et pérenniser des innovations portant sur les transitions de soins: protocole d’étude de cas à devis séquentiel mixte. Journée scientifique du centre de recherche du CISSS-CA
Affiche: Laetitia Bert, Nathalie Germain et Patrick Archambault. (2024). Sustain and scale an innovation improving transitions of care for major neurocognitive disorder elders: a case study with sequential mixed methods. 52nd NAPCRG Annual Meeting, Québec, Canada
Présentation: Laetitia Bert, Marie Laflamme (2023). Laboratoire Vivant Constellations : Un exemple d’applications de l’outil ISSaQ 4.0. Rencontre de l’équipe de recherche de la Dre France Légaré – Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la décision partagée, Québec, Canada
Présentation: P. Archambault, M. Morin, C. Dallaire, A. Côté, C. Paquet, F. Pageau, M. Cantin, M. Laflamme, C. Moncion, J. Émond, J. Laliberté-Gagné, É. Côté, M. Audet, L. Bert, K. Said Abasse, G. Corriveau. (2023). Laboratoire vivant CONSTELLATIONS: CONsolider un Système de sanTÉ apprenant pour améLiorerLA TransitION des Soins des personnes âgées fragilisées.LIVING LABS TNCM – Rencontre de bilan mi-parcours des Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé, Canada
Présentation: Alexander Cornea, Laetitia Bert, Patrick Archambault, Martyne Audet. (2023). Pérennisation et mise à l’échelle des ateliers COMPAS+ TNCM. Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada
Présentation: Laetitia Bert (2023). Améliorer la transition des soins pour les aînés aux situations complexes: étude des facteurs de pérennisation et de mise à l’échelle d’une pratique exemplaire dans le contexte d’un système de santé apprenant. Premier Prix du Concours: “Présentation méthodologique d’un projet de recherche”, Centre de recherche du CISSSCA, Lévis, Canada